House B
The house stands on the border of two worlds, on the border of the residential area of the 3rd district of Budapest, and an agricultural area begins next door.
We tried to follow the situation of transience not only during the installation, but we also tried to interpret it in a comprehensive architectural concept, during which we tried to apply the fixed language of the historical part of the city called Ófalu according to the needs of the present day and to look for modern formulations of the historical elements.
We call it the progressive tradition. Its meaning is where the traditional historical elements – mass form, porch, order of openings – can get new content in a modern house, while maintaining its function and occasionally breaking with the strict form.
The other reading of the transition resulting from this is the kind of dissolution that can be seen in the integration of the street appearance into the settlement and the loose, larger openings of the backyard side and stronger deviations from the form of the historical structures, as well as in the transformation between the two states in the design of the side facade.